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DBU (again)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:20 am
by BruceN
I have a working version of DBU, 32 bit - finally. I've made a few enhancements (biggest one being increasing the number of fields that can show from 64 to 256) and I'm working on a few other simple changes.

One issue... When running from a command prompt, when I close it (Exit to DOS, Yes) - it hangs the DOS window. THe cursor is still on the line calling it, and doesn't respond. I would expect the cursor to go to a new line awaiting the next command to be typed.

There is a QUIT in the code... which I thought should close and release everything. Here's the closing code, all prg's attached if needed:

IF M->keystroke = 27
* exit confirmed in set_view
SET TYPEAHEAD TO 0 && remaining keystrokes to DOS
CLOSE DATABASES && kill the view
RESTORE SCREEN && ...may be your own
SET CURSOR ON && always leave them laughing
SET COLOR TO && back to normal
QUIT && -=[Bye]=-



Re: DBU (again)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:25 am
by BruceN
Forgot to mention... it only works good it you compile with GUI = no. For some reason if you set GUI to yes, it does wierd things. (My guess is that there's al ot of old dos based clipper code still in it that doesn't like a gui environment, but it really isan't important, running it in text mode is fine.)

Re: DBU (again)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:45 pm
by rdonnay
it only works good it you compile with GUI = no. For some reason if you set GUI to yes, it does wierd things.
What kind of wierd things? This doesn't sound right to me.

Re: DBU (again)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:46 pm
by BruceN
Attached are dbu and dbugui. Only difference is I changed gui=no to gui-yes in xpj file and recompiled.

start it up... F2, database. pick one and open it. then press F6.

On gui one it opens copy window automatically. Close that, F7 doesn't do anything except tire out your finger.

On text one, F6 gives menu (xcopy, append, replace, etc) as does F7.

That's just for starters.... play around with the gui and the menus don't work right at all. The Important issue to me is closing when running from a command prompt. Interstingly, the gui one seems to close correctly!!

As I said, I'm guessing that the menu system is incompatible with gui stuff (but, as I frequently am, I could be wrong).

Re: DBU (again)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 9:42 am
by BruceN
Any thoughts/etc on either why the crt version doesn't close right, or the gui version menus don't work right?

Another question.. is there any way to link in, attach, or whatever all the dll's needed so it can run as a stand alone exe? Being able to just drop it in a folder and use it without having to put a gazillion dlls there as well, or dumping it and the dlls into someplace in the pth (like system32 folder) would be really nice.

As always... thanks to the oracles of all knowledge here...

Re: DBU (again)

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:18 pm
by Herbert
As an idea, I extended the dbu.prg with another parameter to pass the working directory. like this you can leave the dbu.exe together with the runtime files and call the dbu e.g. "x:\xbaseruntime\dbu g:\data\myfiles"

Re: DBU (again)

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2011 7:24 am
by BruceN
I did that. Have 2 parameters, folder and file to open. Can use either one or both parameters. It would just be easier if I had an 'all-in-one' exe for it. Also, I really don't understand why it doesn't clsoe correctly. Is there somethnig that's not being closed/reset/whatever.