IM System Issues

This forum is for support of the IM system.
I eXpress myself - therefore IM
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IM System Issues

#1 Post by bobvolz »

I recently set up the IM system to run at our dealership.

Users are able to connect to the IM Server and see who else is logged on.
The problem we are having is if a user sends a message to a recipient the recipient will get a pop-up screen that does not populate with the message.
Eventually the screen will get an IE message that the 'page cannot be displayed.

However- if the user then keys in a response to the message both the sent message and the user's response appear.

Do I have something set up incorrectly.

Any help would be appreciated.

Bob Volz

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Re: IM System Issues

#2 Post by rdonnay »

Bob -

The IM system uses the WebBrowser ActiveX control to display messages.

I haven't looked at this code in a long time.
I think that I am trying to load a .HTM file the first time the window is opened.

I will get back to you on this.

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Re: IM System Issues

#3 Post by rdonnay »

Bob -

IMCLIENT.INI has an entry titled StartURL.
This is the first thing that is loaded in the IM window when it is created.

By default, it is looking at

I don't have a server running on that port anymore.

You need to change it to point to your imserver address.

We can discuss this at the software conference in the workshop.

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Re: IM System Issues

#4 Post by bobvolz »

Maybe I am missing a file.

This is a new install.

I will look at my old directory.
The only html files I saw were index and imhelp.

See ya tomorrow.


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Re: IM System Issues

#5 Post by bobvolz »

I changed all that to my server. I can see the server fine and I can send messages. It's the receiving end that is having the problem.
We can discuss in Gilbert.

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