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send CTRL-C to dchtmlviewer

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 1:28 pm
by skiman

I would like to send a PAGE-DOWN to a dchtmlviewer.

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The above isn't working, nothing happens. Would this be possible to accomplish?

Re: send CTRL-C to dchtmlviewer

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:50 pm
by Auge_Ohr
skiman wrote:I would like to send a PAGE-DOWN to a dchtmlviewer.

Code: Select all

The above isn't working, nothing happens. Would this be possible to accomplish?
if you want to "send" Key they must be "virtual" -> VK_

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#define VK_PRIOR 0x21
#define VK_NEXT 0x22
#define VK_UP 0x26
#define VK_DOWN 0x28
and you canĀ“t use PostAppEvent() while that is Xbase++ only.

Re: send CTRL-C to dchtmlviewer

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 1:58 am
by skiman
Hi Jimmy,

Thanks for the answer, but I have no idea how to send a 'virtual key'.

I looked around and found samples in VB, which are using Sendkeys to send keys to another application. Do you have a sample?

Re: send CTRL-C to dchtmlviewer

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:01 am
by Tom
Are you sure the dchtmlviewer knows keyboard-events? What about posting them to the scrollbar?

Re: send CTRL-C to dchtmlviewer

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:26 am
by rdonnay
I looked at the docs for XbpHtmlViewer and XbpActiveXControl and there is nothing documented on how to send a key to an ActiveX object.

I also looked online and can find nothing.

Re: send CTRL-C to dchtmlviewer

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2020 5:27 pm
by Auge_Ohr
skiman wrote: Thanks for the answer, but I have no idea how to send a 'virtual key'.
I looked around and found samples in VB, which are using Sendkeys to send keys to another application. Do you have a sample?
have a look at c:\exp20\Samples\HtmlEdit_2\ from J.A. Diego Kerejeta.

it is a HTML Editor based on XbpHTMLViewer() and use "virtual Key"
INPUT Structure is used instead of keybd_event (), which is deprecated, so it need Ot4Xb


include "self made" Help File from ieFrame.DLL
look at "Webbrowser" which Event, Method or Property are available
(131.8 KiB) Downloaded 727 times

Re: send CTRL-C to dchtmlviewer

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2020 3:35 am
by skiman
Hi Jimmy,

Thanks, I will check that sample.

Re: send CTRL-C to dchtmlviewer

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:43 am
by skiman

Meanwhile I found the following C# code to send CTRL-C to an external application. It should put already selected text to the Windows clipboard.

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private static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);

[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
static public extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();

static extern void keybd_event(byte bVk, byte bScan, uint dwFlags, uint dwExtraInfo);

private void SendCtrlC(IntPtr hWnd)
    uint KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 2;
    byte VK_CONTROL = 0x11;
    keybd_event (0x43, 0, 0, 0 ); //Send the C key (43 is "C")
    keybd_event (0x43, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);
    keybd_event (VK_CONTROL, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0);// 'Left Control Up

I suppose this should be possible to convert to Xbase++.

Another possible solution I found was the following code:

The author wrote the following:
No idea for how long has this been possible but instead of fighting with Win32 programming (mostly user32.dll and various Windows messages like WM_GETTEXT, WM_COPY and various SendMessage(handle, WM_GETTEXT, maxLength, sb) calls) which is advised in most of SO threads on this topic, I easily managed to access selected text in any window in my C# code followingly:
And this is his code:

Code: Select all

static void fetchSelectionToClipboard()
  SendKeys.SendWait("^c");   // magic line which copies selected text to clipboard
I don't know how to simulate that sendkeys function.

If anyone have the knowledge to convert this to Xbase++, It would be a nice to have.

I would use it to send selected text in a dchtmlviewer to the clipboard, so I can import it, but I suppose it would be usefull for other situations also.

Re: send CTRL-C to dchtmlviewer

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:52 am
by rdonnay
I looked at that C# code a few weeks ago but could find nothing in the Xbase++ docs that shows how to send it to an XbpActiveXControl object or Automation Object.

Re: send CTRL-C to dchtmlviewer

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:56 am
by skiman

In the htmleditor of J.A. Diego Kerejeta , I found the following. It is used to send a CTRL-C to the xbphtmlviewer.

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PROCEDURE SendCtrlKey( xKey )
LOCAL oInput := Input():New()
LOCAL nEvents:=  4
LOCAL nSize  := oInput:_sizeof_()
LOCAL pBuffer:= _xgrab( nSize * nEvents  )

oInput:_link_( pBuffer , .F.)
   oInput:type  := INPUT_KEYBOARD
   oInput:ki:wVk:= VK_CONTROL

   oInput:type  := INPUT_KEYBOARD
   oInput:ki:wVk:= xKey

   oInput:type      := INPUT_KEYBOARD
   oInput:ki:wVk    := VK_CONTROL
   oInput:ki:dwFlags:= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP

   oInput:type      := INPUT_KEYBOARD
   oInput:ki:wVk    := xKey
   oInput:ki:dwFlags:= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP

@user32:SendInput( nEvents, pBuffer, nSize )

_xfree( pBuffer)
