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Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:40 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
There are three main growth points of modern information technologies: global network and mobile communication, advanced human-machine interfaces, intelligent technologies. As it is known, the system (synergistic) effect is usually observed in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary researches. This means that an interesting direction of research and development is located at the overlap of these three promising areas, namely: advanced interfaces in the global mobile networks, advanced intelligent interfaces and the application of artificial intelligence technologies in the Internet and mobile communications. In addition, a particularly high relevance goes to the development and application prospective of intelligent interfaces to the Internet and mobile communications. The Internet intellectualities gradually, it turns from non-local storage of large data (big data) in information space that contains meaningful big data, i.e. "great information" (great info), and then in the space of knowledge or "cognitive space" in which most information is actively used to achieve goals (management) and turns into the "great knowledge" (great knowledge). There are more sites devoted to artificial intelligence, free databases for machine learning (UCI, Kaggle, and others) and even on-line intelligent applications, and interfaces used in the Internet are improving. Recently, there was an acquisition of company Oculus, which is the world's leading developer and manufacturer of ammunition of virtual reality by the developer of one of the first global social networking Facebook - Mark Zuckerberg. However, students and scientists still do not notice that open, scalable, interactive, intelligent on-line environment for learning and researches already exists and operates, based on automated system-cognitive analysis (ASC-analysis) and its programmatic Toolkit – intellectual "Eidos" and the author's website. This article is an original presentation and it is designed to familiarize potential users with the capabilities of this environment

Lutsenko E.V. INTELLIGENT SCALABLE OPEN INTERACTIVE ONLINE ENVIRONMENT FOR TEACHING AND RESEARCHING ON THE BASIS OF ASC-ANALYSIS AND "EIDOS" SYSTEM / E.V. Lutsenko // Scientific Journal of KubSAU (Polythematic online scientific journal of Kuban State Agrarian University) [Electronic resource]. – Krasnodar: KubSAU, 2017. – №06(130). P. 1 – 55. – IDA [article ID]: 1301706001. – Access mode:, 3,438 conventional printed sheets.