Express++ Sample as Newbie

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Express++ Sample as Newbie

#1 Post by Auge_Ohr »


i have try all Sample which don't need 3-PP which i not have like JazzAge (still alive ?)
to run Codejock Sample you need to include a License (Text) to run.

Error :

Code: Select all

D:\EXP20\SAMPLES\MAPDIR\MULTIPLE.PRG(278:0) 	-> ((    )))
d:\exp20\Samples\Scale\Font.prg -> maximize 	-> minimize -> wrong Font Size
d:\exp20\Samples\ShortCuts\ShortCuts.Prg	    -> Error : dropCursor ?
D:\exp20\Samples\Sql\SQLBROW.EXE		         -> XBPCOLUMN:CREATE(320) ... missing dao2535.tlb Version 3.5 ?
d:\exp20\Samples\SUBCLASS\Paint.Prg	  	    -> (B)PAINTIMAGE(39)
d:\exp20\Samples\ToolTip\Thread.Exe		      -> Line Number : 51 Information : Error BASE/2266
d:\exp20\Samples\Touchscr\test.prg		       -> Line 23 /24 ";"
d:\exp20\Samples\Xbrowse\Xbrowse.prg		     -> unresolved external symbol DC_XBROWSE
Note :

Code: Select all

d:\exp20\Samples\ScrollGets\scrollgets.prg 	 -> no extra Scrollbar need when XbpStatic is bigger than o:DrawingArea
d:\exp20\Samples\SHORTCUT\SHORTCUT.PRG		   -> obsolet for v1.9x -> ShellLinkCreate()
d:\exp20\Samples\SLIDER\slider.prg		       -> Slider Channel Color not filled when move Marker
d:\exp20\Samples\Touchscr\NUMPAD3.EXE		    -> Number stay small after press
d:\exp20\Samples\Touchscr\SCROLLBAR.EXE		  -> hm ... does scroll Browse but nothing happend to Scrollbars 
d:\exp20\Samples\VisualStyle\Style.prg		   -> Xbase++ v2.x #Pragma Library("xppwui.lib")
more Question how to :

many DcGET -> move in Browse -> how to refresh GETs ?
dito DcSLE ( AEVAL(::aEditcontrol,{|o| o:setdata()} ? )

last line most is DCREAD GUI ... how to put Focus to a Child ?

TABSTOP : seems Express++ do not used it much ...
can't TAB between SLE/GET but Cursor up/down work ( like in Cl*pper ? )

how enable visual Style on DcBrowse Scrollbar ?
btw. why Browse most use no Tabstop in Sample ? i need to click on it with Mouse.

where does DC_AutoRestoreWindow() store in Registry ?

DCTABPAGE: is there a "multi-line" Option ? what when more Tabs than DrawingArea X-Size ?

POPUP {|n|PopKeyPad(n)} display a On-Screen-Keyboard ... how to resize ?

what Type of PDF is create by \Samples\Wizard\WIZARD.PRG
DCPRINT OPTIONS ACROBAT TO aOptions -> Error open File with Acrobat DC v2015.010.20060
greetings by OHR

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Re: Express++ Sample as Newbie

#2 Post by rdonnay »

many DcGET -> move in Browse -> how to refresh GETs ?
dito DcSLE ( AEVAL(::aEditcontrol,{|o| o:setdata()} ? )
Use the DC_GetRefresh() function. It will refresh individual objects, groups of objects or the entire Getlist of objects.
last line most is DCREAD GUI ... how to put Focus to a Child ?
DCREAD GUI .. SETFOCUS @oObject // set focus by object variable name
DCREAD GUI .. SETFOCUS 'MyFirstGet' // set focus by object ID
TABSTOP : seems Express++ do not used it much ...
can't TAB between SLE/GET but Cursor up/down work ( like in Cl*pper ? )
how enable visual Style on DcBrowse Scrollbar ?
btw. why Browse most use no Tabstop in Sample ? i need to click on it with Mouse.
I don't understand. What do you want the tabstop to do?
where does DC_AutoRestoreWindow() store in Registry ?
It can store in any registry node you wish. I recommend HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
Example: DC_AutoRestoreWindow( { HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'Software\Donnay Software\eXpress++\Windows' } )
The registry node will be created if it does not exist.
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Re: Express++ Sample as Newbie

#3 Post by rdonnay »

DCTABPAGE: is there a "multi-line" Option ? what when more Tabs than DrawingArea X-Size ?
No. I never wrote that capability into DC_XbpTabpage().
POPUP {|n|PopKeyPad(n)} display a On-Screen-Keyboard ... how to resize ?

Code: Select all

   HIDE ;
   SCALEFACTOR { .34*aScale[1], .34*aScale[2], .34*aScale[3], .34*aScale[4], .f. } ;
what Type of PDF is create by \Samples\Wizard\WIZARD.PRG
DCPRINT OPTIONS ACROBAT TO aOptions -> Error open File with Acrobat DC v2015.010.20060
Your problem could be your version of Win2PDF driver. Try using the Win2Pdf included with eXpress++.
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Re: Express++ Sample as Newbie

#4 Post by rdonnay »

I have not tested all the samples in awhile.
I will go through those that you have referenced and see what I can do about the errors.
Some are very old samples.
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Re: Express++ Sample as Newbie

#5 Post by rdonnay »

d:\exp20\Samples\Scale\Font.prg -> maximize -> minimize -> wrong Font Size
This appears to be a problem in the DC_Resize() function in _DCCLASS.PRG. It only happens when normalizing the window after maximizing the window. Resizing the window vertically fixes the fonts. This will need to wait until the next eXpress++ build.
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Re: Express++ Sample as Newbie

#6 Post by rdonnay »

d:\exp20\Samples\SHORTCUT\SHORTCUT.PRG -> obsolet for v1.9x -> ShellLinkCreate()
Will be fixed in next build
d:\exp20\Samples\SLIDER\slider.prg -> Slider Channel Color not filled when move Marker
This is an unfinished sample. I gave it to Jack Duijf to finish. He requested it.
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Re: Express++ Sample as Newbie

#7 Post by rdonnay »

d:\exp20\Samples\ShortCuts\ShortCuts.Prg -> Error : dropCursor ?
Copy attached files to your \exp20\samples\shortcuts folder
(5.49 KiB) Downloaded 1331 times
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Re: Express++ Sample as Newbie

#8 Post by rdonnay »

D:\exp20\Samples\Sql\SQLBROW.EXE -> XBPCOLUMN:CREATE(320) ... missing dao2535.tlb Version 3.5 ?

Code: Select all

FOR i := 1 TO oCursor:fCount
  DCBROWSECOL DATA SQLFieldBlock( oCursor, i ) ;
      HEADER oCursor:fieldName(i) ;
      SORT SQLSortBlock( oCursor, i ) ;
       _DEFAULT oCursor:fieldName(i) == 'AGENTID' ;
      WIDTH 10 ;  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ADD THIS
      PARENT oBrowse
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Re: Express++ Sample as Newbie

#9 Post by rdonnay »

d:\exp20\Samples\SUBCLASS\Paint.Prg -> (B)PAINTIMAGE(39)
I am removing that sample from the next build. I didn't write it and I don't have the time to figure it out.
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Re: Express++ Sample as Newbie

#10 Post by rdonnay »

d:\exp20\Samples\ToolTip\Thread.Exe -> Line Number : 51 Information : Error BASE/2266
An update to an eXpress++ function broke this sample. I changed the sample to make it work.

Copy attached file to \exp20\samples\tooltip.
(845 Bytes) Downloaded 1371 times
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