After so many years of working with you, traveling with you and spending time with you, I feel very lucky to call you friend.
I can't count the number of times I don't have an answer for something and you do.
Whenever I get "stuck", you always help me out.
And when I need to vent, you always listen.
I'm also amazed how much support you provide to other people who who have nothing to do with programming.
You are a person people can count on and that's probably why so many people come to you.
I guess one of the reasons we get along so well is that we are alike in many ways.
We have the same common goals, we both overwork ourselves, we take on too many active projects at one time and we find it very hard to say 'No'.
In short, we are gluttons for punishment
But through it all, I can't think of a better friend I can depend on.
Happy Birthday my friend and many more.
