It's that time - Happy Birthday

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It's that time - Happy Birthday

#1 Post by sdenjupol148 »


We were both hoping that when 2020 was over we would put a bad year behind us.
It seems that we're going to have to put most, if not all of 2021 behind us as well.

With all the craziness happening around us, the new normal doesn't look so good.
In fact, it looks abnormal.
And with all the people we have lost, very little looks familiar.

So I'm grateful for the few good friends I have.
I'm grateful for the few good conversations I have and the sanity it brings.
I'm grateful for the few good relationships I have and the smiles they bring.

I'm grateful and blessed that you're my friend.
You always stop what you're doing to help me regardless of what I ask.

Thank you Roger.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.

Happy Birthday and many many more!

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Re: It's that time - Happy Birthday

#2 Post by Tom »

Hi, Roger.
Congratulations also from Berlin, Germany, Western Europe. I'll have a delicious Miller's or Budweiser tonight on you, or maybe a really good beer.
Have a great day! Hope to see you sometime.
Cordially, Tom
Best regards,

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Re: It's that time - Happy Birthday

#3 Post by skiman »

Hi Roger,

Congratulations with the birthday. Enjoy your day. I will take a Belgian beer on your health. :dance:

Best regards,

Best regards,


Piotr D
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Re: It's that time - Happy Birthday

#4 Post by Piotr D »

all the best, and above all - a lot of health. A raise a toast with polish beer...

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Re: It's that time - Happy Birthday

#5 Post by Victorio »

Roger ,
I join in congratulating you on your birthday , a lot of health many many years.
Thanks for all your help, which saved me many hours of tearing my hair while programming :D

Viktor, Slovakia

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Re: It's that time - Happy Birthday

#6 Post by reganc »

Yes, happy Birthday, Roger.

I hope you find the time to celebrate a little, at least...!
Regan Cawkwell
Real Business Applications Ltd

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Re: It's that time - Happy Birthday

#7 Post by rdonnay »

Thank you all for the greeting.
I never imagined that I would still be working at my ripe old age, but I still feel like I can be productive.
I'll quit when Joe Biden quits.

Then I can just go travelling with my dog - Harley Quinn, while America is still a democracy.
harleyquinn.jpg (63.43 KiB) Viewed 19642 times
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Re: It's that time - Happy Birthday

#8 Post by bwolfsohn »


Wishing you the happiest of birthdays... It's been a long, sometimes strange, trip.. So glad we're both still hanging around...

To the rest of my long time acquaintances and friends here, I'm retired, and thankfully, have no more programming on my schedule... Just a new house purchase, and RV travels beginning in September.

I may not be coding, but i read with interest all the walls and potholes you are hitting and getting past..

function living()
do while lStillBreathing
Brian Wolfsohn
Retired and traveling around the country to music festivals in my RV.
OOPS.. Corona Virus, so NOT traveling right now...
FB travel group: The Breadman Rises

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