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dcpushbuttonXP instead of cjShortCutBar

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:07 am
by skiman

After creating the new buttons, and some problems I had before with the cjShortcutbar I wanted to replace this. I made a pbstack some time ago, see exp19\samples\pbstack, but never used it in my application. That time I was looking at Codejock to find some nice additions.

Now, I created a shortcutbar completely with dcPushbuttonXP. The advantage is that I have all the control over it.

Here is a screenshot of it.

Re: dcpushbuttonXP instead of cjShortCutBar

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:25 pm
by rdonnay
Here is a video of an Outlook style menu created using DCTREEVIEW and DCPUSHBUTTONXP objects.

I wrote it object oriented so it can be used in apps like a class.

This was specially designed for a customer, but can be easily modified to satisfy anyone's needs.

I will post the code for anyone who is interested.

Re: dcpushbuttonXP instead of cjShortCutBar

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:21 pm
by Wolfgang Ciriack
Hi Roger,
i am very interested, can you please post it to

Re: dcpushbuttonXP instead of cjShortCutBar

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:41 pm
by Zdeno Bielik
Hi Roger,

I'm very interested too, please, can you post the source code?
Or will be this also included into next eXpress++ build?


Re: dcpushbuttonXP instead of cjShortCutBar

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 2:56 am
by skiman
Hi Roger,

This is even better. I was planning to add a system to change the height of the bottom, and dynamically change the shown buttons. According to your demo, you already have it.

With the new buttonstyle, it will even look better, and will be almost identical to the Office look.

In attachment the modified button class, and a new buttpicker. I added a new gradientstyle (9) which I called Windows.

The best results are with the following parameters.
- Radius is either 5 or 0.
- Gradientstep is 1. (This will be changed dynamically according to the height of the button.)
- No shadow.

As color I have the following used to simulate the Office2007 colors.

Code: Select all

    oConfigLegacy:fgColorMouse := GraMakeRGBColor({0,0,0})
    oConfigLegacy:bgColorMouse := GraMakeRGBColor({245,215,100})
    oConfigLegacy:bgColorClick := GraMakeRGBColor({245,215,100})
    oConfigLegacy:bgColor := GraMakeRGBColor({185,209,239})
    oConfigLegacy:disabledfgcolor := GraMakeRGBColor({150,150,150})
    oConfigLegacy:disabledbgcolor := GraMakeRGBColor({215,215,215})
    oConfigLegacy:bordercolor :=  GraMakeRGBColor({83,123,173})
    oConfigLegacy:font := '8.Arial'
    oConfigLegacy:radius := 5
For the bottom buttons in the taskbar, I used the following colors:

Code: Select all

oConfigButtonsc:fgColorSelected := GraMakeRGBColor({0,0,0})
oConfigButtonsc:bgColorSelected := GraMakeRGBColor({240,170,65})
oConfigButtonsc:bordercolor := GraMakeRGBColor({115,151,198})
oConfigButtonsc:font := '9.Arial Bold'
oConfigButtonsc:fgColor := GraMakeRGBColor({0,102,204})
oConfigButtonsc:radius := 0
Hereby the _dcxbutt.prg and buttpicker.prg.

Re: dcpushbuttonXP instead of cjShortCutBar

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:38 pm
by rdonnay
Ok, here is the code for the test program.

This was designed to work with their existing databases to create the tree menu.

I will probably add this to the next eXpress++ release as a sample program, but will modify it so it can read an existing menu structure into the tree menu.

Re: dcpushbuttonXP instead of cjShortCutBar

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:25 am
by c-tec
looks great, I want also avoid to use Codejock if possible, would be great if it can get implemented it in eXPress++

Re: dcpushbuttonXP instead of cjShortCutBar

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:17 am
by skiman

Rogers outlookbar with the new buttonstyle.

'Cash receipts' is the current selected color.
'Technical Support' is the mouse-over color.

Re: dcpushbuttonXP instead of cjShortCutBar

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:30 pm
by digitsoft
Hi Roger
This example has a bug, when you minimize and then maximize the window, the OutlookBar disappears

Nolberto Paulino

Re: dcpushbuttonXP instead of cjShortCutBar

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:11 am
by rdonnay
I will work on this when I get back home from vacation.