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DCPRINT ON Window Parent

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:42 pm
by ivanvazan
Hi Roger,

When using DCPRINT ON to a printer with a large report, there is a page counter window that appears but I can click away and the counter window 'hides' behind my application. How can I set the parent window of the dialog so that I cannot click away.


Re: DCPRINT ON Window Parent

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:08 pm
by rdonnay
Try making the below change to your _DCPRC.PRG.
It is located in \exp19\source\dclipx folder.
Then rebuild DCLIPX.DLL by running BUILD19.BAT or BUILD19_SL1.BAT.

If this works, I will put this change in the next release.

Code: Select all

898  IF oPrinter:nCurrPage # nPage
899    oPrinter:oStatusText:setCaption(DC_LangMsg(DCMSG_PC_PAGE) + ;
900                                  '  ' + Alltrim(Str(oPrinter:nCurrPage)))
901    nPage := oPrinter:nCurrPage
902    oPrinter:oStatusDlg:toFront()  // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add this
903  ENDIF

Re: DCPRINT ON Window Parent

Posted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:02 am
by ivanvazan
Hi Roger,
I tried your suggestion and it worked, but only up to certain point. The 'Page Counter' window is modal to the application, so it was popping up in the other application thread windows, which is kind of confusing for the user. The second thing is that since the :tofront() was executed only during the page change, there was always a delay (depending on the amount of printed info) before the 'Page Counter' window re-appeared.
So I started to fiddle around and came up with better solution (at least I think so ;) ). If you allow me to pass oParent to the DCPRINT ON command and make this object a parent of the 'Page Counter' window, all issues would be solved. Temporarily, to prove and test my idea, I set up a PUBLIC variable in my MAIN function and just before the DCPRINT ON is called, I assigned my current window object to this variable. Then I altered your code as follows:

Code: Select all

oPrinter:oStatusDlg := XbpDialog():new(AppDeskTop(),,{0,0},{200,100},,.f.)
oPrinter:oStatusDlg:title := cTitle
oPrinter:oStatusDlg:minButton := .f.
oPrinter:oStatusDlg:maxButton := .f.
IF VALTYPE( oDMIPARENT ) = "O"                                                 // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add this
    oPrinter:oStatusDlg:setparent( oDMIPARENT )                          // my temporary PUBLIC variable, to be replaced with passed in oParent
IF VALTYPE( oDMIPARENT ) != "O"                                               // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add this
    oPrinter:oStatusDlg:setModalState(XBP_DISP_APPMODAL)         // no need to set modality if oParent passed in
oPrinter:oStatusText := XbpStatic():new(oPrinter:oStatusDlg:drawingArea,,{10,40},{250,20},,.t.)
oPrinter:oStatusText:type := XBPSTATIC_TYPE_TEXT
oPrinter:oStatusText:setFontCompoundName('10.Arial Bold')
oXbp := XbpPushButton():new(oPrinter:oStatusDlg:drawingArea,,{10,10},{70,20},,.t.)
oXbp:caption := DC_LangMsg(DCMSG_CANCEL)
oXbp:activate := {||oPrinter:lTerminated := .t.}

IF VALTYPE( oDMIPARENT ) != "O"                                                // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Add this
    oPrinter:oStatusDlg:setModalState(XBP_DISP_APPMODAL)         // no need to set modality if oParent passed in

DO WHILE !oPrinter:lTerminated .AND. !oPrinter:lDone .AND. !oPrinter:lPreview
  IF oPrinter:nCurrPage # nPage
    oPrinter:oStatusText:setCaption(DC_LangMsg(DCMSG_PC_PAGE) + ;
                                  '  ' + Alltrim(Str(oPrinter:nCurrPage)))
    nPage := oPrinter:nCurrPage
    //oPrinter:oStatusDlg:toFront()                                                  // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This is not needed

Please let me know what you think.

Re: DCPRINT ON Window Parent

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 7:55 am
by rdonnay
Ivan -

I would rather you try another solution first that would prevent the need for more parameters and more documentation.

There is already an OWNER clause that is accepted by the DCPRINT ON command.

It requires only a few small mods to the _DCPRC.PRG to use it for the Cancel Dialog.

Change #1
Line 359:

Code: Select all


::oOwner := oOwner
IF lPreview
   bKeyboard := {|a,b,o|IIF( a==xbeK_ENTER,PostAppEvent( xbeP_Activate,,,o ),nil)}


IF lPreview
  ::oOwner := oOwner 
   bKeyboard := {|a,b,o|IIF( a==xbeK_ENTER,PostAppEvent( xbeP_Activate,,,o ),nil)}
Change #2
Line 876:

Code: Select all


oPrinter:oStatusDlg := XbpDialog():new(AppDeskTop(), oPrinter:oOwner,{0,0},{200,100},,.f.)


oPrinter:oStatusDlg := XbpDialog():new(AppDeskTop(), ,{0,0},{200,100},,.f.)

Re: DCPRINT ON Window Parent

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:44 am
by ivanvazan

I was in the middle of a major customer upgrade and could not get to this until today. This change worked perfectly. Thanks for all of your help.