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Re: cobasystems EMAIL via AutoIt

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:01 pm
by Auge_Ohr
rdonnay wrote:When I use Chilkat_9_5_0.Mailman ActiveX for smtp I use port 465 for Gmail.
YES, T-Online also have Port 465

Code: Select all

rdonnay wrote: Also, Chilkat has a logical value that must be set to enable SSL:
Is it possible that your CDO control also has such a requirement?
that is this line

Code: Select all

// SSL
oCdoConf:fields:setproperty("item","", 1)

Re: cobasystems EMAIL via CDO

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:29 am
by skiman
Auge_Ohr wrote:
skiman wrote:I was trying to use the below code, but it doesn't work.
i use it every Day

I implemented this CDO mail a few months ago. We have problems with it. In a lot of cases a mail isn't send from the first time. A second try most of the times will succeed.

I can't find a way to detect the cause of this problem. As far as i know, there is no error handling possible? Anyone who has any idea about this?

Re: cobasystems EMAIL via AutoIt

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:45 am
by Auge_Ohr

just can say it is not CDO.

i also have a App where a Function seem not to work 1st Time but when make a Demo it work.
so i just can say test CDO with a Demo and if that do not work than you can upload it so other can confirm it

Re: cobasystems EMAIL via AutoIt

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:44 am
by skiman
Hi Jimmy,

I will check to create a demo.

Re: cobasystems EMAIL via AutoIt

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:19 am
by unixkd
Dear all

Pls where can i find the complete documentation for the CDO email object.



Re: cobasystems EMAIL via AutoIt

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:52 am
by skiman

I didn't find a complete documentation, I had found different samples on the internet.

Meanwhile I bought the Chilkat Active-X. Mails are working for more than a week without a single problem.

Re: cobasystems EMAIL via AutoIt

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 1:02 am
by Auge_Ohr
unixkd wrote:Pls where can i find the complete documentation for the CDO email object.
// iVars:
// CDO.Configuration
// CDO.Configuration ... g.10).aspx
// ... g.10).aspx
// Individual properties description: ... g.10).aspx
// CDO.Message ... g.10).aspx
// CDO error codes ... g.10).aspx
// with decimal values
// Examples
// Xbase++ field initialization:
// The synthaxy to be used may be one or another:
// As write in MSN documentation:
// objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _(" ... smtpserver") = ""
// In Xbase++:
// 1) oFields:setProperty("Item", " ... /smtperver", "")
// 2) oFields:setProperty("Item", "cdosmtpserver", '')
// FieldName in :setProperty()

// "nntpauthenticate"
// ... thenticate
// See "smtpauthenticate"

// "postemailaddress"
// ... ailaddress
// The user's return email address for posted messages

// "postpassword"
// ... stpassword
// The password used with postusername when authenticating
// with an NNTP service if the "nntpauthenticate" field
// is set to cdoBasic (1)

// "postusername"
// ... stusername
// The username used with postpassword when authenticating to an NNTP
// service if the nntpauthenticate field is set to cdoBasic (1).
// The name must be the fully qualified domain account name, such
// as (domain)\(username) when authenticating with a service
// participating in an Windows NT domain system.

// "postuserreplyemailaddress"
// ... ailaddress
// The reply email address. This value is used when
// constructing the headers for posted messages

// "postusing"
// ... /postusing
// Specifies the method used when posting NNTP messages.
// Values (defined in
// cdoPostUsingPickup := 1 -> Post the message using the local NNTP
// service pickup directory.
// cdoPostUsingPort := 2 -> Post the message using NNTP over the network.

// FieldName in :setProperty
// "cdosendemailaddress"
// ... ailaddress
// The user's email address used when connecting to the SMTP service.

// "cdosendpassword"
// ... ndpassword
// The password used to authenticate to an SMTP server using basic
// Values (defined in
// cdoBasic := 1 Basic use clear-text authentication.
// When using this option you must provide the user
// name and password through the fields and
// sendusername sendpassword
// cdoAnonymous := 0 Not authenticate.
// cdoNTLM := 2 The current process security context is used to
// authenticate with the service.

// "cdosendusername"
// ... ndusername
// The username for authenticating to an SMTP server using basic

// "cdosenduserreplyemailaddress"
// ... ailaddress
// This value is normally set if the From address is not where email
// replies should be sent.

// "cdosendusingmethod"
// ... /sendusing
// Specifies the method used to send messages.
// If a local SMTP service is available, this field defaults to
// Values (defined in
// cdoSendUsingPickup := 1 Send message using the local SMTP
// service pickup directory.
// cdoSendUsingPort := 2 Send the message using the network
// (SMTP over the network).

// "cdosmtpauthenticate"
// ... thenticate
// Specifies the authentication mechanism to use when authentication is
// required to send messages to an SMTP service using a TCP/IP network
// socket. If no value is set for this field, anonymous (no authentication)
// is assumed.
// This field is used only if the field "cdoSendUsing"
// is set to "cdoSendUsingPort".
// These settings mean that messages are to be sent or posted over the network.
// Values (defined in
// cdoBasic := 1 Basic use clear-text authentication.
// When using this option you must provide the user name
// and password through the fields and sendusername
// sendpassword
// cdoAnonymous := 0 Not authenticate.
// cdoNTLM := 2 The current process security context is used to
// authenticate with the service.

// "cdosmtpconnectiontimeout"
// ... iontimeout
// Indicates the number of seconds to wait for a valid socket to be established
// with the SMTP service before timing out.
// The default is 30 seconds.
// This field is ignored unless the field CdoConfiguration.cdoSendUsingMethod
// is set to cdoSendUsingPort (2).

// "cdosmtpserver"
// ... smtpserver
// This field is used when the field "cdoSendUsing"
// is set to cdoSendUsingPort.

// "cdosmtpserverport"
// ... serverport
// The port on which the SMTP service specified by the smtpserver field is
// listening for connections.
// The default and well-known port for an SMTP service is 25.
// "cdosmtpusessl"
// ... smtpusessl
// Indicates that Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) should be used when sending messages
// using the SMTP protocol over the network.
// This field is only meaningful when the field CdoConfiguration.cdoSendUsingMethod
// is set to CdoSendUsingPort. The default is False

// CDO.Message
// ... g.10).aspx
// :subject Objeto da mensagem
// :From (reserved in XBase++) The string in the From property represents the full messaging addresses of the
// message author or authors, as shown in the following example:
// "Jane Doe" <>, <>,
// Commas serve as address separators; however, commas are not parsed as separators when
// they appear in an address that is enclosed in double quotes, such as the following:
// "John Jones, Jr." <>, "Jane Doe" <>
// :To, :Cc, :Bcc Commas serve as address separators; however, commas are not parsed as separators when
// they appear in an address that is enclosed in double quotes, such as the following:
// ''
// ""John Jones, Jr." <>"
// ", "John Jones, Jr." <>, "Jane Doe" <>"
// :ReplyTo destinatário da resposta da mensagem.
// Assume: e-mail constante em :From
// :DSNOptions cdoDSNDefault 0 No delivery status notifications are issued.
// cdoDSNNever 1 No delivery status notifications are issued.
// cdoDSNFailure 2 Returns a delivery status notification if delivery fails.
// cdoDSNSuccess 4 Returns a delivery status notification if delivery succeeds.
// cdoDSNDelay 8 Returns a delivery status notification if delivery is delayed.
// cdoDSNSuccessFailOrDelay 14 Returns a delivery status notification if delivery succeeds,
// fails, or is delayed.
// See in cabMAIL_NOTIFY ...
// :KeyWords The keywords of a message can be useful for determining if the message is of
// interest to the reader, or for searching for relevant messages in a collection.
// The string in the Keywords property can represent a single keyword or multiple keywords.
// A keyword string can optionally contain spaces, such as the following:
// "1997 payroll"
// Multiple keywords in the list are separated by commas, as in the following example:
// "operating systems,Windows NT,functions"
// AddAttachment(<cFullPathName>) pode-se ter vários métodos
// Other many properties, also to send HTML, see the URL above
// 'The line below shows how to send using HTML included directly in your script
// objMessage.HTMLBody = "<h1>This is some sample message html.</h1>"
// 'The line below shows how to send a webpage from a remote site
// 'objMessage.CreateMHTMLBody ""
// 'The line below shows how to send a webpage from a file on your machine
// 'objMessage.CreateMHTMLBody "file://c|/temp/test.htm"
// Author: Beling
// Date: 05.12.2012
// Revised: