eXpress++ Build 268 is released

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Re: eXpress++ Build 268 is released

#31 Post by rdonnay »

Wolfgang -

I don't know yet why this problem shows up for your test program but hasn't been reported by anyone else.

The problem is due to a change I made to FUNCTION _WhenHideEval() in _DCCLASS.PRG.

I made the change because a customer was looking for improved performance when refreshing a Getlist that had a lot of tab pages.
I determined that there was no reason to evaluate HIDE codeblocks on tab pages that are minimized.
There is an obvious flaw in my logic that was not caught by any beta testers.

Make the following change to _DCCLASS.PRG at around line 6826 :

Code: Select all


IF Valtype(oXbp:hideBlock) = 'B' .AND. oXbp:isVisible() ;
      .AND. IIF(oXbp:parent:isDerivedFrom('XbpTabPage'),IIF(oXbp:parent:Minimized,.f.,.t. ),.t. )   // build 268


IF Valtype(oXbp:hideBlock) = 'B'.AND. IIF(oXbp:parent:isDerivedFrom('XbpTabPage'),IIF(oXbp:parent:Minimized,.f.,.t. ),.t. )  

Rebuild dclipx.dll by running BUILD20.BAT

I will correct this problem and put out a new download of DCLIPX.DLL and _DCCLASS.PRG because I expect to hear from more users.
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Wolfgang Ciriack
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Re: eXpress++ Build 268 is released

#32 Post by Wolfgang Ciriack »

Thanks Roger, that works for me.
Now i can go on with build 268.
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Re: eXpress++ Build 268 is released

#33 Post by skiman »


Some months ago there was a thread in this forum about this.

I have the following in my code since then.

Code: Select all

if IsMethod(oXbp,'PARENT') .AND. (!oXbp:parent:isVisible().or. oXbp:parent:isDerivedFrom('XbpTabPage').and.oXbp:parent:Minimized )
With the modification as above there isn't any test on isVisible, which was the original idea of this change?
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Re: eXpress++ Build 268 is released

#34 Post by Tom »

Isn't invisible and minimized the same with TabPages? :think:
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Re: eXpress++ Build 268 is released

#35 Post by rdonnay »

With the modification as above there isn't any test on isVisible, which was the original idea of this change?
I recall that the original idea was to not refresh tabpages that are minimized.
Putting the test for isVisible broke code that has been working since 1999.
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Re: eXpress++ Build 268 is released

#36 Post by skiman »

Hi Tom,
Isn't invisible and minimized the same with TabPages? :think:
As far as I recall, the tabpages don't have the method invisible().
Best regards,


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