Scrabble Game

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Scrabble Game

#1 Post by rdonnay »

For those of you who like to play Scrabble, I have been working on a new Scrabble game that I intend to be the best ever. It is written entirely in Xbase++ using eXpress++. This will be a constant work-in-progress if it is to evolve into the best Scrabble experience ever and it will require listening to a lot of feedback from the users. I intend to support all the languages already supported by Scrabble so it will help to create a large international community. During the beta cycle, however, it only supports the English language. I originally started this project because I was frustrated with how poorly the Scrabble game on Facebook works. It has quite a few bugs. I realized that I could create a multi-user, internet-based Scrabble game in eXpress++ in a very short time. My current project is only 2 weeks of work. This is because it is fully object-oriented and because eXpress++ saved much time in creating the user interface.

The client (game program) will run on a standalone computer so multiple players can play on a single computer, or on a local area network with players on their own computers, or via the internet with the Scrabble server handling delivery of the games, plays and chat. The Scrabble server is an Xbase++ program that uses Xb2Net and SOAP for communicating. This means that in the future, it may be possible to write Client programs in different languages. Eventually, I would like to write a version in PHP so we can play via a Webbrowser, however the most productive language for writing this now is Xbase++ and eXpress++.

This application is also meant to help grow our community of eXpress++ users by demonstrating to the Xbase++ community how much can be accomplished in such a short time when using eXpress++. Scrabble is an internationally known game and I believe that by building a large Scrabble community that is using a well-designed and good performing product we will also get the attention of programmers who have never heard of Xbase++.

To understand my vision for where I am going with this, go to

I am not sure yet whether I want to make the source code available to eXpress++ developers because I have not yet determined what the legal ramifications are with respect to Hasbro, Inc. The intent of offering this as a free game is to help build a community of Scrabble players who want a different experience than just playing Classic Scrabble. There is still a lot that needs to be added and that will be coming in over the next few days or weeks. The story writing feature is next to be implemented, but for now it is a fully-functioning application for playing Scrabble with your friends over the internet.

If you like to play Scrabble, please join in and download the most current version.
Even though this is a constant work-in-progress with new features and improvements added every day, you only need to install one time. When starting the Scrabble.exe program, the Scrabble server is checked for any new updates and the user is prompted to download the update before starting the program. This has been tested a lot and is very quick because most updates only affect Scrabble.exe.

The install password is Only4Friends.
The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.

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Re: Scrabble Game

#2 Post by cetufera »

What's the difference between Scrabble app that's free and for a fee? I downloaded the free Scrabble app on my itouch but see one that costs $2.99. Is there a difference between them?

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Re: Scrabble Game

#3 Post by rdonnay »

I know nothing about about Scrabble for iTouch.

This scrabble (now called Snyffle) is for windows only.
The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.

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